
How To Use A Scrying Stone


Crystals are amplifiers and transmitters and receivers of energy. This gives them the capacity to assist seekers in scrying and other divination. The choice of a crystal scrying tool is entirely upwards to each individual. Some people adopt a clear crystal ball or a seer stone which is frosted on the outside with a clear polished internal center expanse. Others people adopt crystals or crystal balls  with inclusions or rainbows which act as points of focus, These inclusions are often called doorways. Some people utilise window crystals or place a crystal cluster in a bowl of water. The clear or included quartz crystal is the most unremarkably used  scrying stone only other stones including  black or other night obsidian tin also be used.


Steps to Reading/Scrying with a Crystal Ball

Simply a quick note, a crystal ball is a sacred tool and should be treated as one. Information technology should be used past simply one person and exist placed in a special place of honor when not in employ. It should have a name, it will usually tell you lot this every bit you piece of work with it, and information technology should exist called past that name. It should take limited handling by other people, and should be carried in a special purse or box when transported from one identify to some other. It should as well exist cleansed regularly. I similar to practice mine on the full moon, not only crusade that's when the moon is at its peak of power, but cause its easy to remember when I final cleaned it completely. With all that said hither we go:

  1. Choose your crystal ball that you intend to use; be sure to cleanse it first.
  2. In a darkened room, sit quietly with the crystal in front end of you. Permit for a low light source, and then that the crystal is somewhat 'back lit" yet the balance of the room should remain night. A candle works well be sure to follow safety rules when working with an open burning flame. The color of the candle should be something that reflects Higher Purpose like Purple for College self, White for God/dess and Soul purity or orange for attraction (only exist sure y'all say aloud that you wish to only attract positive energies or you lot could get any energy just floating by, I caution you on using orange if you are merely commencement)
  3. Next close your optics, concentrate and ground yourself. Allow your third middle to activate and open up. The apply of Lemuria Oil is recommended here equally it clears mis-aligned energies and protects the user (you lot) from negative energies trying to control the session and such. (You can become Lemuria Oil exclusive from Argent Hoofs Inc.) Place a dab on the tertiary eye area, located between your eyes and upwardly merely a smig. At present be sure to prepare upwards a deep breathing pattern at your own rhythm. Assuasive all the stress and negative energies to menses completely out of your trunk as you exhale, and positive energies to enter every bit y'all inhale. "See" those positive energies replacing the exhaled negative energies, visualize all the positive energies completely centering your torso and your intuition and focus becoming the central points of your thoughts.
  4. Now open your eyes, and choice a spot on the ball you feel "drawn" to. Focus on the spot and allow your eyes to fixate (like when your eyes get stuck looking at something but your mind (subconscious) is elsewhere) gazes past that spot. The crystal may begin to darken and fume up. Allow this to happen, don't snap dorsum to a witting state, if you tin can help it. Don't worry if you lot exercise, fact is virtually of the states do the first couple of times cause we are so excited its working. Snapping back to the conscious country makes you leave the trance like state and thus breaks the psychic connection. If this happens just re-enter the trance like state once more as best you can. Allow the ball to darken and smoke without breaking your trance similar land. Do NOT TRY TO Brand SENSE OF THE IMAGES YOU "Meet, FEEL OR HEAR" Before YOU! But get with the menstruum!
  5. You may feel yourself start to tingle or vibrate, you may experience estrus, cold or simply detached from yourself. This is the crystal raising or lowering your vibratory level so that y'all may both be one in harmony and make the needed psychic connection.
  6. Next you will begin to speak (a vocalization activated recorder is nice at this betoken) or write most what you meet. You lot accept entered the Astral plane at this point and may have some memory recall issues when y'all interruption the trance like state. This may occur until you accept preparation and can work on both the Astral and physical plane at the same time, and not to lie to you, this could have years of concentration, practice, and many sessions! So don't give up and I propose using a record recorder as information technology doesn't interfere with your focus, concentration, or gazing/scrying.
  7. Finally when you experience you have seen enough, or the crystals images fade out, allow your mind to return to the present (concrete plane). Feel your vibratory charge per unit change once once again as the crystal separates from one to two dissever beings over again. Refocus your optics; blink as yous demand and breathe securely, as y'all basis yourself over again. Finally returning to the physical plane, with your mind cleared and energized. In Grounding yourself ,a drink of h2o/juice and a snack tin help, as you pull the earth'southward energies up into your body once again

Remember it takes do then dont be upset if information technology doesn't work right away. Accept your time, allow the crystal and your energies to match, information technology will work!


Crystal Gazing

When you gaze into a crystal ball you lot focus your intuition. Your rational mind no longer operates.

  • Have the calorie-free source off to one side then that yous can encounter into the crystal. Some people like to use candlelight.
  • When y'all are in a relaxed land, hold the ball for a few moments to attune it to your vibrations.
  • Frame your question and consider possible solutions without giving them too much attention.
  • Place the crystal brawl on a black silk or velvet textile.
  • Gaze at information technology with gently focused eyes.

The crystal ball often appears to mist over. Within the mist, images course. Don't force them, permit them ascend naturally. Sentry for pictures appearing either in the crystal or in your heed's eye.

The meanings can be positive or negative. Continue a annotation of what you run across, even if it seems to be meaningless. If you persevere, you will understand. Notice the feelings y'all have, thoughts that come into your caput, insights that emerge about your life.  The crystal can work on a very subtle level to guide you into a more fulfilled futurity.

Traditional Gazing Symbols













Positive Interpretation

Good luck

New growth



Skilful luck

Trustworthy friends


A message

Well existence

Settling down


Negative Estimation

Bad luck





Deceitful friends



Fiscal bug



  • Blue clouds may symbolize success of career or business concern,
  • Gold clouds symbolize prosperity, steady greenbacks period and mayhap new romance.
  • Greyness/Dark gray or Black may symbolize sadness or sick fortune.
  • Green clouds symbolize wellness, happiness .
  • Orange clouds may  symbolize hidden aggression and anger, or troubled emotions.
  • Red clouds symbolize danger to come.
  • Argent clouds symbolize troublesome times ahead followed by good  times.
  • White clouds symbolize very good fortune alee.
  • Yellow clouds symbolize upcoming obstacles.


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